Choosing the Perfect Paint Colour for Your Furniture

Colour Inspiration Moods Painting furniture


It is often hard to determine this yourself, as sometimes it is just a case of “I like it; I’m not sure why” but try to look at your personal preferences. Are you drawn to clean lines and minimalist designs, indicating a more contemporary taste? Or are you attracted to the warmth and charm of rustic or vintage decor?

By knowing and understanding your style, this will help narrow down the spectrum of paint colours that align with your aesthetic vision.


Think about the function and atmosphere of the room where the furniture will be placed. For example, if you're painting a dining table and chairs, you might want to create an inviting and cosy ambiance encouraging leisurely meals and conversations. Soft, muted tones could be ideal for this setting.



Assess the existing decor elements in the room, such as the colour of the walls, flooring, and other furniture pieces. Consider how your chosen paint colour will interact with these elements. If your room features predominantly neutral tones, a pop of colour on your furniture can serve as a focal point and add visual interest.


Pay attention to the natural and artificial lighting in the room. Natural light can vary throughout the day, casting different hues on your furniture. Consider how your chosen paint colour will look under both natural daylight and artificial lighting sources, such as overhead fixtures or lamps. 

Anya from HuntersMoon Workshop did a beautiful job on this dresser for her customers home taking into account the beautiful changes of light throughout the day.  


Reflect on the emotions and atmosphere you wish to create in the room. For a home office, you might opt for calming shades of blue or green to promote focus and productivity.

In contrast, a playroom or creative space could benefit from lively, stimulating colours that encourage imagination and playfulness.


Explore the various paint and varnish finishes available and their effects on the perceived colour. Matte finishes can create a subtle, understated elegance, while gloss finishes can add a touch of sophistication and glamour. Consider the practical aspects as well, such as durability and ease of maintenance when selecting the appropriate finish for your furniture.


Before committing to a specific paint colour, obtain sample sticks or small paint tester pots and try them on a small area of your furniture. This allows you to see how the colour interacts with the material and texture of the piece, as well as how it complements the surrounding decor. Take note of how the colour appears in different lighting conditions and times of the day. I often order sample sticks from Thirteen Furniture as Jen offers such a wide range of different brands and paint colours. 


Make use of the colour wheel to explore different colour combinations and schemes.

Complementary colours, found opposite each other on the colour wheel, create striking contrasts, while colours adjacent on the wheel, offer a more harmonious blend. The thoughtful selection of painted furniture can transform a room into a personalised sanctuary tailored to meet specific emotional needs.  Consider the principles of colour psychology to create a mood-enhancing environment that reflects your personality and style. We wrote a blog back in December 2023 that discussed this in more detail.


With all this said, ultimately, you need to trust your intuition and emotional response to a particular colour. If a shade resonates with you on a deeper level and sparks joy or inspiration, it's likely to be a fitting choice for your furniture. Your personal connection to the colour will give the space a sense of authenticity and individuality.


Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and explore unconventional colour choices. Start with smaller, less prominent pieces of furniture as experimental canvases, and gradually build confidence in your colour selection. Embrace the process of trial and error, knowing that each decision brings you closer to achieving your desired aesthetic.  I used to really dislike green, but now I cannot get enough of it and love all the shades of green for furniture from bright forest green all the way to the khaki greens.


If you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure about your colour choices, please get in touch!  We work nationwide and can offer advice tailored to your specific needs and preferences, helping you navigate the vast array of paint colours and finishes available on the market.  And if you want a change, but don’t have the time or skill to do it, we can help with that too!

To summarise, choosing the perfect paint colour for your furniture is a multifaceted process that blends artistic intuition with practical considerations. By understanding your personal style, considering the room's function, its existing decor, and experimenting with different colours and finishes, you can create a cohesive and visually captivating home that reflects your unique personality and lifestyle.

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