News — Recycling

Rescue, Restore, Revive Part 1: Tools Needed to Fix Broken Furniture

Fixing Furniture Recycling Upcycling Vintage furniture

Rescue, Restore, Revive Part 1: Tools Needed to Fix Broken Furniture

Furniture, whether it's an antique heirloom or a beloved contemporary piece, can suffer wear and tear over time. Accidents happen, and pieces can become damaged. The good news is that many common furniture issues are repairable with a bit of know-how.  In this blog post, I have put together a list of the most used pieces when it comes to the tools we use.


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Understanding Upcycling: Redefining Waste and Creativity

Recycling Upcycling

Understanding Upcycling: Redefining Waste and Creativity

In this blog, we delve deep into the multifaceted realm of upcycling, unravelling its nuances and uncovering the profound impact it holds for both individuals and the planet.

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